Coralogix customer journey

Observable Data Delivered

Data is everyone and endless. With the rising cost of observability platforms, Coralogix specialized in pay-for-value over traditional ingest models that are full of noise and make it harder to realize real-time insights, leading to delays in troubleshooting.

Starting with a full customer journey that nurtured prospects, this project expanded out to include case studies, community events, and competitor campaigns aimed at highlighting key differentiators through landing pages, emails, banner ads, and paid social ads that I wrote and art directed to effectively reach Coralogix’s audience.

These efforts contributed to an increase of +343% in conversion rate and a decrease of -73% in cost per lead.

Copywriting * Art Direction * Concepting * Animation

Audience and Strategy

Coralogix has several audiences in the tech space who manage and maintain complex software systems. They all share the same key concerns. They worry about the high costs of storing data, actionable insights being drowned out by data noise, and having a solution that’s reliable and mitigates downtime.

When those working in the tech and IT space go to purchase an observability platform, will they go with a random company, or the one who has build credibility by providing them with useful content to make their lives and jobs easier?

The nurture campaign was built to address the needs of the main audiences of by offering educational content that would help them succeed in their careers. Language leveraged was straight forward, which contrasted nicely with the playful nature of Coralogix’s branding.

Digital Banners

Social ads were written to be short, effective, and actionable meant to grab attention in an already busy LinkedIn newsfeed. Ad performance was measured, with more spend ultimately going to the highest performing asset.

Social Ads

These traditional lead gen landing pages were written to empathize with the issues and priorities of Coralogix’s audience and present them with the offerings and solutions that fit their needs.

Landing pages

The emails were kept concise and to the point, addressing the audience’s pain points while maintaining media cohesion to the landing page experience.

Email Nurture

Movement for these animations was kept simple, focusing on adding intrigue to the graphics and letting the words stay static for increased legibility. I created these animations in After Effects to launch as Gif banners and paid social ads.

Case Study Animations

There’s always a risk calling out a competitor. Especially, as it reminds an audience that they exist. Competing on price can also be risky as it can always turn into a “how low can you go” situation. However, when you have straight-forward advantages and the benefits to back it up, calling out the competition can pay off big time.

Competitive Campaign

Unlike the nurture, the assets created to promote Coralogix’s events were meant to be playfully engaging in order to draw attention and drive interest, while staying true to their brand tone and voice.

Event Promotion

The initial nurture campaign saw huge success in driving cost-effective leads. Additional campaigns were closely monitored, implementing A/B testing to ensure the best performance for messaging.


Conversion Rate

Cost Per Lead